Y-PLAN in Action
The featured projects and testimonials below illustrate what the methodology looks like in practice, the wide range of topics projects explore, and student accounts of the Y-PLAN experience. You can learn about other Y-PLAN projects by visiting the Y-PLAN Digital Toolkit (coming soon).
Project StoryMaps
Oakland, CA | High school students worked with Oakland’s Climate Program Coordinator to understand how can green infrastructure can address local climate impacts and equity issues.
Oakland, CA | High school students and administrators at the Oakland Unified School District investigated how the district could better support homeless youth.
San José, CA | As part of its Vision Zero initiative to reduce pedestrian fatalities, San José’s Department of Transportation collaborated with middle and high school students.
San Francisco, CA | Elementary school students partnered with San Francisco’s Planning Department and administrators at Malcolm X Academy to make both their school and the Bayview neighborhood safer, more vibrant, and environmentally equitable.
Project Videos
Resilient By Design Youth Challenge | Bay Area, CA
Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge (RbD) was a bold, regional initiative to prepare Bay Area cities for climate change impacts. Over 800 elementary and high school students worked with world-class architects, engineers, scientists, and city planners to create innovative, climate resilience strategies.
Connecting BART to the Community | Oakland, CA
In 2017, BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), which connects the San Francisco region, faced the issue of declining ridership. To address this challenge, BART officials partnered with AAMA (African American Male Achievement) high school students to understand how its stations in Oakland could be better connected to the communities they serve.
Brightening Broadway | New York City, NY
Students from EBC High School partnered with Council Member Reynoso and New York City’s Department of Transportation (DOT) to reimagine a two-mile stretch of Broadway, a major roadway in Brooklyn. Students developed proposals for how DOT’s ‘artervention’ for the corridor could promote themes of inclusivity, diversity, and immigration.
Improving Student Health | Richmond, CA
Public school leaders and county officials participated in Y-PLAN in order to create more opportunity-rich learning environments for young people and to address social determinants that worsen health outcomes and fuel the school-to-prison pipeline. They collaborated with students from Richmond, California’s De Anza High School, who developed strategies for improving students’ social, emotional, and physical wellness.
Student Testimonials
The CC+S staff reconnected with two former Y-PLAN students to hear about how participating in city planning projects had personally affected them and their outlook on local decision-making.

Bonnie | Oakland, CA
Bonnie recalls her high school experience of Y-PLAN, describing how it opened her eyes to local inequities, allowed her to positively shape her community, and inspired her to both pursue higher education and become a Y-PLAN College Mentor.

Kim | San Rafael, CA
As she prepares to begin high school, Kim looks back on her 4th and 5th grade Y-PLAN projects. She reflects on how empowering it had been to work with adults on real-world challenges and how the experience had allowed her to become a leader.
Start Your Own Y-PLAN Project
If you are interested in participating in your own project, we encourage you to visit the Y-PLAN Digital Toolkit for a suite of free resources for K-12 educators, civic leaders, and those in higher education!