Community Voices

April is Fair Housing Month!

Camila, Keyri, Yasmin, Fiona, Jack, and Aleah
April 19, 2023

Making it Happen: Policy Recommendations for Incentivizing Affordable Education Workforce Housing in California

Jeff Vincent
March 29, 2022

Where Might Teacher Housing Work?: Activating Public School Owned Land in California for Education Workforce Housing

Sydney Maves
March 14, 2022

Struggling to Live in the Communities They Serve: How Housing Affordability Impacts Educators and School Employees in California

Shazia Manji, Terner Center for Housing Innovation
March 3, 2022

Tackling Unhoused Student Policy in Oakland and Beyond

February 25, 2022

Celebrating Our Book on Planning Just and Joyful Cities with Young People and Schools in 2022!

CC+S Staff
February 18, 2022

Y-PLAN Housing Policy Brief

May 21, 2020

To Live in the Community You Serve: School District Employee Housing in California

Sean Doocy
October 15, 2018